You will never forget about Saint Thomas

Finally, you don’t need to apply for a visa to travel to the U.S.!

Don’t know which place to choose first? Then Saint Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands is the perfect choice for you.

Though it’s only 78 square kilometers in size, this place shares similarities with other places in the world. Here you can find turquoise lagoons typical for Maldives, tropical fruits typical for Thailand, half-empty beaches typical for Bora Bora, flowering bougenvilleas typical for Israel, fresh coconut milk typical for Cuba, urban architecture typical for Denmark, African rhythms typical for Equator and on top of it you will be accompanied by iguanas typical for Galápagos Islands.



For Beach Lovers

I decided to travel to Saint Thomas mainly to see Magen’s Bay. Thanks to the unusual heart shaped form, azure water, beautifully soft sand and almost a mile long palm arboretum it is one of the three most beautiful beaches in the world. Here you can find many untouched beaches, each unique in its own way. Head over to Coki Beach if you want to feed the fish without diving. Cinnamon Bay is the perfect place for taking fascinating rocky landscapes photos. Surfers will most certainly enjoy the Sapphire beach. Another great experience is offered by Trunk Bay on the island of Saint John. Millionaire Laurence Rockefeller fell in love with this island in the 50s of last century. If you want to relax and educate yourself at the same time, I recommend you to visit Buck Island. Located near the third largest island of Saint Croix, you can go on an underwater trip. Underwater trail will teach you not only how the fishes are called and how they live, but also what they eat and what time they return to the reef.


For History Lovers

Saint Thomas is a place for everyone. It offers a wide range of activities and attractions. History lovers can take pictures of the imposing stone tower from 1665 called Bluebeard’s Castle and fortress Fort Christian. You can discover earlier history at the tourist information center, which is located in Emancipation Park, where the emancipation of slaves was announced July 3, 1848. Don’t forget to visit the synagogue built in 1833. Not only is it the oldest one in the Western Hemisphere, but also the only one that remained untouched by tropical weather for 182 years.

For Sports Lovers

Sport fans can kayak through mangrove swamps accompanied by aquatic turtles, play bowling, golf (for example at 18-hole Mahogany Run Golf Course) or tennis, go for ecological tours or scuba dive, sail and surf. Shopping is essential part of every vacation. In the cozy colorful shops with wooden window shutters you can purchase crystal, jewelry, watches, perfumes, textiles, tobacco, alcohol and precious stones for fabulous prices.

For Lovers of Goodies

Unique cafés on Saint Thomas will serve you not only aromatic coffee but also sweet cocktails made of local Cruzan rum. The best banana daiquiri is mixed at the peak of the Mountain Top, where delicious enjoyment is enhanced by beautiful views of the surrounding islands towering above the glittering sea.

Authors Advice:

Hop on board the cable car and ride from the capital, Charlotte Amalie to Paradise Point. Watch the sun getting lost in the waves. Excellent experience!

What You May Not Know

The U.S. Virgin Islands is U.S. territory of ​​352 km2, home to 108,448 residents. This archipelago consists of seven large and several smaller islands. The best known are Saint John, the greenest island, Saint Thomas, the most commercialized island and Saint Croix, historically the most authentic island; originally the island was named Holly Cross by Christopher Columbus on November 14, 1493 after his disembarking on the island.

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